ERASMUS+ PROJECT KA2 NO. 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080375
EuCTSDS PROject transnational meetings
Due to the COVID-19 situation, this activity was organised in ONLINE format. This meeting was necessary to establish the way of action to implement all the proposed activities. There were discussed the main aims of the project, partnership agreement, managerial tasks, draft of the
implementation plan, communication and dissemination plan and quality evaluation plan, project milestones, schedule, as well as tasks related to the intellectual outputs, intensive study programmes and multiplier events of the project.
There were 19 participants: 2 participants from RO MTA, 3 participants from PL MUT (including the rector/commandant), 4 participants from BG NMU (including the rector/commandant), 8 participants from GR HAFA (including the dean/commandant), 2 participants from FR FAFA.
AGENDA of the meeting
1. Opening Remarks and Welcome to Participants
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Presentation of the Project Partners (Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I”, Bucharest, Romania; Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland; “Vasil Levski” National Military University, Bulgaria; Hellenic Air Force Academy, Athens, Greece; French Air Force Academy, Salon de Provence, France; European Security and Defence College, Brussels, Belgium).
4. Partnership Agreement
5. Project Description: INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT CONTEXT; PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED RESULTS; PROJECT TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS (T1. Planning the EuCTS_DS project; T3. Intermediary Results for Subject Description, Education Materials, Scientific Project and E-learning Platform; T4. Intermediary results for Intensive Study Programmes; T5. Evaluation of Intensive Study
Programmes); INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (IO1. Design and Development of the Curriculum; IO3. Subjects Description and Education Materials; IO4. Methodology/Guide for the Interdisciplinary Scientific Project; IO5. E-learning Platform); LEARNING/TEACHING/TRAINING ACTIVITIES (C1/2. Intensive Study Programme “Basic Engineering”; C3/4. Intensive Study Programme “Military Science”; C5/6. Intensive Study Programme “Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; C7/8. Intensive Study Programme “Electronic Engineering and Computer Science”; C9/10. Intensive
Study Programme “Interdisciplinary Scientific Project “); MULTIPLIER EVENTS (E1. European Forum of Defence and Security Technical Systems; E2. European Forum of Defence and Security Technical Systems).
6. Presentation of the Grant Agreement (Grant Agreement – Special Conditions; Annex I. General Conditions; Annex II. Budget of the project; Annex III. Financial and Contractual Rules; Annex III b. Additional Financial and Contractual Rules Applicable for Virtual Activities due to COVID-19; Annex IV. Rates Applicable for Units Contributions; Annex V. Mandates; Amendment of the Grant Agreement).
7. Project Management Activities (Project logo and website of the project; Implementation Plan; Quality Assurance and Risk Assessment Plan).
8. Overview of the Upcoming Tasks and Action Points (IO1. Design and Development of the Curriculum; T2. Evaluation of the Curriculum and of the Network of Teachers; Communication and Dissemination Plan).
9. Any other Business.
10. Closing Remarks.
T3. Intermediary results for subject description, education materials, scientific project and e-learning platform (26.09.2022)
T4. Intermediary results for Intensive study programmes (20.04.2023)
The RO MTA organised the fourth transnational meeting in collaboration with all partner representatives. The main objective of this meeting was to evaluate the first four intensive study programmes (Intensive Study Program for Electronic Engineering and Computer Science – Shumen– Bulgaria – September 2022, Intensive Study Program for Military Science – Salon de Provence – France – October 2022, Intensive Study Program for scientific Project – Athens – Greece – February 2023 and Intensive Study Program for Basic Engineering – Bucharest – Romania – April 2023) to take some conclusion and to improve the next Intensive Study Programmes. During the meeting, the partners discussed, presented and prepared project activities, learning/teaching/training activities and multiplier events and discussed and analysed the currently finished intellectual outputs/work packages and the results and the outcomes of the project.
There were 7 participants: 3 participants from RO MTA, 1 participant from BG NMU, 1 participant from PL MUT, and 2 participants from GR HAFA.
AGENDA of the meeting:
1. Opening Remarks and Welcome to Participants.
2. Adoption of the Agenda.
3. Presentation of the participants.
4. Assessment of the last project activities: PROJECT TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS (T3. Intermediary Results for Subject Description, Education Materials, Scientific Project and E-learning platform – Shumen, September 2022). INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (IO1. Design and Development of the Curriculum, IO3. Subject Description and Education Materials, IO4. Methodology/Guide for the Interdisciplinary Scientific Project, IO5. E-learning Platform). LEARNING/TEACHING/TRAINING ACTIVITIES (C3/4. Intensive Study Programme “Military Science” – Salon de Provence, October 2022; C9/10. Intensive Study Programme “Interdisciplinary Scientific Project ” – Athens, February 2023; C1/2. Intensive Study Programme “Basic Engineering” – Bucharest, April 2023); MULTIPLIER EVENTS (E1. European Forum of Defence and Security Technical Systems 2022 – Shumen, September 2022);
5. Overview of the Upcoming Tasks and Action Points : PROJECT TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS (T5. Evaluation of Intensive Study Programmes – Warsaw, June 2023); INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (IO1. Design and Development of the Curriculum, IO3. Subject Description and Education Materials, IO4. Methodology/Guide for the Interdisciplinary Scientific Project, IO5. E-learning Platform). LEARNING/TEACHING/TRAINING ACTIVITIES (C5/6. Intensive Study Programme “Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering” – Warsaw, June 2023); MULTIPLIER EVENTS (E2. European Forum of Defence and Security Technical Systems 2023 – Athens, May 2023);
6. Any other Business;
7. Closing Remarks.
T5. Evaluation of intensive study programmes (11.06.2023)
PL MUT organised the final transnational meeting in collaboration with all partner representatives. During the meeting, the partners presented a summary of project activities and discussed and analysed the intellectual outputs, learning/teaching/training activities, multiplier events impact, all the results and the outcomes of the project. Exploitation of the results and sustainability of the project were also discussed.
There were 7 participants: 3 participants from RO MTA, 1 participant from BG NMU, 1 participant from PL MUT, and 2 participants from GR HAFA.
AGENDA of the meeting:
1. Opening Remarks and Welcome to Participants.
2. Adoption of the Agenda.
3. Presentation of the participants.
4. Assessment of the last project activities: PROJECT TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS (T4. Intermediary results for Intensive Study Programmes – Bucharest, April 2023). INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (IO1. Design and Development of the Curriculum; IO3. Subject Description and Education Materials; IO4. Methodology/Guide for the Interdisciplinary Scientific Project; IO5. E-learning Platform). LEARNING/TEACHING/TRAINING ACTIVITIES (C1/2. Intensive Study Programme “Basic Engineering” – Bucharest, April 2023; C5/6. Intensive Study Programme “Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering” – Warsaw, June 2023). MULTIPLIER EVENTS (E2. European Forum of Defence and Security Technical Systems 2023 – Athens, May 2023).
5. Overview of the Upcoming Tasks and Action Points.
6. Any other Business.
7. Closing Remarks.