ERASMUS+ PROJECT KA2 NO. 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080375
The project “European Common Technical Semester for Defence and Security” (2020-1-RO01-KA203-080375) is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA203 Strategic Partnership for Higher Education.
The project consortium consists of the following institutions:
– Military Technical Academy „Ferdinand I”, Romania (MTA: coordinator);
– French Air Force Academy, Salon de Provence, France (FAFA);
– Hellenic Air Force Academy, Athens, Greece (HAFA);
– Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland (MUT);
– “Vasil Levski“ National Military University, Bulgaria (NMU);
– European Security and Defence College (ESDS: associate partner).
The goals of the European Common Technical Semester for Defence and Security (EuCTSDS) project are the development, designing and testing of a new modular curriculum for an international technical semester for defence and security, at bachelor level, common at European Union, and also the development of a network of teachers with competences in the field of technical systems for defence and security.
The main objectives of the project are:
– to design and develop a new European common technical semester curriculum, in the field of defence and security;
– to create a network of teachers in the field of technical systems for defence and security;
– to elaborate the subjects description for the new international technical semester;
– to elaborate the education materials for the new international technical semester;
– to elaborate a methodology of the organization and of the evaluation of the interdisciplinary scientific project;
– to develop an e-learning platform for the international technical semester;
– to organize the intensive study programmes for teachers and students;
– to ensure the management and the implementation of the project;
– to disseminate the results of the project;
– to ensure the sustainability of the project.
The main objectives of the project are:
– to design and develop a new European common technical semester curriculum, in the field of defence and security;
– to create a network of teachers in the field of technical systems for defence and security;
– to elaborate the subjects description for the new international technical semester;
– to elaborate the education materials for the new international technical semester;
– to elaborate a methodology of the organization and of the evaluation of the interdisciplinary scientific project;
– to develop an e-learning platform for the international technical semester;
– to organize the intensive study programmes for teachers and students;
– to ensure the management and the implementation of the project;
– to disseminate the results of the project;
– to ensure the sustainability of the project.
The implementation of the European Common Technical Semester for Defence and Security project consists in the following activities:
– 5 transnational project meetings;
– 6 intellectual outputs;
– 5 intensive study programmes for students;
– 5 intensive study programmes for teachers;
– 2 multiplier events.
– 5 transnational project meetings;
– 6 intellectual outputs;
– 5 intensive study programmes for students;
– 5 intensive study programmes for teachers;
– 2 multiplier events.